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15 Maggio Venerdì 7° Tappa INNSBRUCK (AUT) - CHIAVENNA 244Km


Innsbruck è il capoluogo del Tirolo, nonché il centro più importante della regione, questa bella città che vanta una storia che trae origine dalla colonia romana chiamata Veldidena.

Il tracciato, quasi sempre in costante ma dolce salita, prevede il primo tratto – un centinaio di chilometri o poco più - nel caratteristico verde, ordinato, paesaggio austriaco del Tirolo che conduce alla Svizzera. Caratteristica è la nota abbazia di Stams. L’entrata nel territorio elvetico, nel cantone dei Grigioni, dove si parla il ladino, avviene a Martina. Scuol, Zernez, Samedan, la notissima S. Moritz con il suo lago e le sue attrattive turistico-mondane, Silvaplana sono i centri maggiormente conosciuti interessati dal percorso che presenta lo straordinario scenario di queste montagne. Laghi, foreste, nevi quasi perenni e ghiacciai fanno da corona alle valli elevate, caratterizzate dal fondo piatto, che connotano il territorio dell’Engadina, sempre di particolare bellezza. Si presenta quindi il superamento del Passo Maloja a quota 1815 per affrontare l’impegnativa e ripida discesa tracciata fra ripide pareti e fitti boschi di conifere. Dopo un centinaio di chilometri in territorio svizzero, in piena discesa lungo la stretta Val Bregaglia. In località Castasegna si entra in Italia per Villa di Chiavenna e quindi l’arrivo a Chiavenna con un breve giro di collegamento, dopo il “tuffo” dalla cima del Maloja, per raggiungere il traguardo.

Chiavenna, capoluogo dell’omonima valle, proseguimento della Valtellina, in provincia di Sondrio, molto prossima all’inizio del lago di Como, alla confluenza delle strade che conducono al Maloja ed allo Spluga – verso l’importante luogo di villeggiatura di Madesimo -, sul fiume Mera, abbina la vocazione turistica a quella industriale e commerciale. Siamo nella zona dei noti “crotti”, cavità naturali adibite a cantine con locali rustici per ritrovi eno-gastronomici di gusto e specifico spessore. Sono ricercati soprattutto i prelibati salumi (bresaola in primis, il violino (una bresaola ottenuta con spalla o coscia di capra) e la slinzega, altra variante della bresaola e diversi tipi di formaggi. Molti alimenti sono cucinati utilizzando la pietra ollare, tipica della zona. Fonte:

Le foto

Armstrong "il Divo del Giro del centenario" ©Bettini Photo

Scarselli in segno di scaramanzia tocca le corna di un eccentrico tifoso ©Bettini Photo

Hernandez Soler ©Bettini Photo

L'immancabile Diablo ©Bettini Photo

Armstrong e Di Luca ©Bettini Photo

Damiano Cunego ©Bettini Photo

Armstrong "lato b" ©Bettini Photo

L'azione di Alessandro Bertolini in discesa "da non imitare" ©Bettini Photo

Petacchi: "stile ed eleganza in discesa" ©Bettini Photo

Ivan Basso ©Bettini Photo

Edvald Boasson Hagen in vista del traguardo si appresta ad assestare la sua zampata ©Bettini Photo

Edvald Boasson Hagen sfreccia verso il successo di tappa ©Bettini Photo

E' un trionfo ed è tutto di Edvald Boasson Hagen ©Bettini Photo

Edvald Boasson Hagen sul palco ©Bettini Photo

Danilo Di Luca ©Bettini Photo

Edvald Boasson Hagen sul palco ©Bettini Photo



May 15, 2009 - A ferociously strong sprint from a break of five netted Columbia-Highroad’s Edvald Boasson Hagen the victory on stage seven of the Giro d’Italia. Riding his first ever major Tour, Boasson Hagen tore out of the break with 200 metres to go for an emphatic victory, several bike lengths clear of his rivals. Briefly the leader of the Best Young Rider’s competition, the Norwegian’s victory was Columbia-Highroad’s second Giro D’Italia stage win in less than a week. It also marks the 23rd victory for the men’s team this season.

Already the winner of the Ghent-Wevelgem Classic this spring at the age of just 21, Boasson Hagen said afterwards, “Both victories, in Belgium and here in Italy, are very important and you can’t really compare them. I’m just really happy to be winning. I had great support from the team because I knew they were blocking behind when the break went clear. I didn’t start the final sprint too early, I tried waiting for as long as possible for the other guys to go. But I felt strong and it worked out well.”

Second in stage six and then first in Friday’s stage seven, Boasson Hagen said, “Today [Friday] was a crazy finale, the same as yesterday. It was dangerous on that last descent in the rain. I was lucky that I didn’t crash. But in some ways it was easier than yesterday because there weren’t so many riders in the front group. This is my first three-week stage race so I want to get through it and see how I can do. At the same time, I don’t want to forget the Classics, either!”

“I think the sky’s the limit for this kid,” added team sports director Allan Peiper. “He’s only in his second year as a professional and when he came to the team last year, we didn’t know what he could do and how much he could do. Last year we tried him out in the Ardennes Classics and this year on the cobbled Classics and in the Giro. Now he’s won Ghent-Wevelgem and a stage here in Italy. It’s his first major Tour and we’ve already seen that he can time trial, he can work for Cavendish, and today we’ve seen that he can descend and sprint for the win.” Peiper recounted, “He even climbed well the other day in the Dolomites, helping [Michael] Rogers and [Thomas] Lovkvist. He’s done huge turns for Cav on the front. But that’s the way Team Columbia-Highroad functions. [Manager] Bob Stapleton reiterated it the other day in a meeting - it doesn’t matter if you’re a GC rider, a helper or a sprinter: everybody watches out for and works for each other and for the good of the team.”


15 maggio - Martedì 26 maggio, in concomitanza con la seconda giornata di riposo del Giro d'Italia, lo stadio "Angelini" di Chieti ospiterà un'originale sfida a calcio. A partire dalle 18, ex campioni del ciclismo e giornalisti si affronteranno in una partita il cui ricavato sarà destinato alla ricostruzione post-terremoto in Abruzzo.

L'iniziativa, promossa da Lauta communication con il determinante supporto dell'amministrazione comunale di Chieti, ha raccolto l'adesione di numerosi personaggi delle due ruote. Hanno annunciato la loro presenza, tra gli altri, Paolo Bettini, Gianni Bugno, Francesco Moser, Giuseppe Saronni, Moreno Argentin, Franco Ballerini, Maurizio Fondriest, Michele Bartoli, Gianni Motta e Andrea Tafi.

La squadra degli ex campioni sarà allenata da Mauro Sandreani, quella dei giornalisti - che debutta proprio a Chieti - da Giovanni Galeone. Arbitro d'eccezione sarà Daniele Tombolini mentre il calcio d'inizio, alla presenza del presidente della Federciclismo, Renato Di Rocco, verrà dato dal direttore generale del Giro d'Italia, Angelo Zomegnan.

L'ingresso allo stadio sarà ad offerta libera. L'evento supporta l'iniziativaAbruzziAMO, lanciata dalla maglia rosa Danilo Di Luca.
Prima della partita tra ex campioni e giornalisti, una rappresentativa composta dai bambini del Chieti affronterà i coetanei trasferiti negli alberghi della zona a seguito del recente terremoto.

team astana makes a statement
92nd Giro d'Italia

Stage 7: Innsbruck (Austria) to Chiavenna, 244km/152mi

By Cathy Mehl

Rain, fog, dangerous descents, an unhappy peloton and an obvious protest by the riders of Astana Cycling Team were all part of today’s stage 7 at the 92nd Giro d’Italia. At the start line eight of the nine Team Astana riders appeared in a new team kit, one that fades out the names of sponsors who have failed to pay money owed to the Kazakh Cycling Federation, leaving the riders and staff unable to collect their paychecks.

Speaking about the need to make such a statement, General Manager Johan Bruyneel explained, "We made this decision after a long consideration. Just before the Giro I asked the Kazakh Cycling Federation certain questions and asked for solutions and the solutions didn't come. We are now in the Giro,which is an important race and we are an important factor in the race.We are in the media a lot. We don't want to pretend that everything is okay. It's not okay, that's why we want to show this to everybody. The riders have only received two months of salary in 2009. I hope the shirt change will provoke an effect. It is a way of saying that we are professionals, doing a good job and we are representing professionally certain companies and we expect that the commitments are coming from both sides.” Bruyneel continued with, “Since the beginning of the year the team is performing very well in winning races or being an important factor in the races. We expect that the commitments are respected. I've received reactions from Kazakhstan since last night but it's still words. Until we see something happen, it's still a long way. We will race with these shirts until everything, emphasis on everything, is fixed.”

Team Who?

Bruyneel also emphasized that the lack of payment is not from all team sponsors: “All the sponsors who paid us until now, including KazMunayGas, are still very visible on the shirt. May 31st is the UCI deadline for KCF to make sure everything is in order. I hope they can do that. If not, it will be up to the UCI to see what will happen." (For more from Johan Bruyneel, be sure to read A Proper Explanation on Johan's website.)

In the day’s racing action a break of four riders went away straight from the gun, holding their advantage until 45km to go. Once the peloton hit the late-race climb, the gap fell to the escapees and brought them back into the fold just before the risky descent of the Passo Maloja. With rain and thick fog adding to the danger, the peloton eased off the pace to ensure a safe ride into Innsbruck. On the way down, Alessandro Bertolini (Diquigiovanni) attacked, throwing all caution to the wind and quickly gapped off the peloton with his bold, solo effort. With 25km still to race the lone rider held 63-seconds to the chasing group.

Close to the bottom a group of four riders combined efforts to catch Bertolini and included Robbie Hunter (Barloworld), Pavel Brutt (Katusha), Edvald Boasson Hagen (Columbia) and Davide Vigano (Fuji). They eventually joined with Bertolini and continued their group effort into Innsbruck. Approaching the line, Hunter attacked to test the legs of the others, but it was Bertolini who went again at 800m to go. Everyone chased him down with Boasson Hagen the strongest on the day as he continued to accelerate past Bertolini and headed straight for the finish line. Hunter and Brutt took 2nd and 3rd on the stage. There was no change in the overall and Danilo Di Luca (LPR) wears the Maglia Rosa another day. Levi Leipheimer and Chris Horner remain in 4th and 8th place on GC. Stage 8 on Saturday is yet another long one of over 200km into Bergamo before Sunday’s criterium in Milano just before a well-deserved rest day on Monday.

Lance and Ivan Basso share a light-hearted moment

After yesterday’s complaints of a dangerous finish, today’s time for General Classification was taken with 3km to go, effectively eliminating the need for most of the peloton to take unnecessary risks in the final.

Johan Bruyneel weighed in on the change, saying, “The first 4 km of the descent (Passo Maloja) were incredible. A race like this, with a final like this, especially when it's wet, to say long beforehand that the time will be taken 3 km from the finish…I think it eliminates a lot of people who are there to take risks because they are afraid to lose time. I think it's good for the safety of the riders. Once the dangerous downhill was finished and everyone knew that they didn't have to worry anymore, they were taking a lot fewer risks. Ultimately it's only for the stage win then. I think that's good. I would definitely recommend that in the future.” Bruyneel continued with more on the risky finishes that the peloton sees all too often: “I think it should be a standard rule. I would even go further. If the finish is in a big city, I would say that the time of the GC is taken at the entrance of the city. You would see the sprinters all there and you wouldn't have any classification riders there taking risks and sometimes causing crashes.”

Viewing Note: In response to emails and twitter messages on viewing in the United States - The Giro is being shown live online and TV on Universal Sports. Please visit for coverage and further information.

Giro d'Italia. Brutt did 3rd at stage seven 05-15-2009

Today, Russian Pavel Brutt finished third at the 7th stage between Innsbruck and Chiavenna (242 km) after a breakaway with 20 kilometers to go in company of Alessandro Bertolini, Edvaid Boasson Hagen, Robert Hunter and Davide Vigano.

In the sprint of the main group with 40 seconds behind the group of Pavel Brutt, Ben Swift was fourth and 10th in the stage classification.

During the whole race, after a attack from the km 0 and till the St.Moritz at km. 205, Sergey Klimov was a part of escape of 4 riders.

- When I saw the group of Sergey Klimov taking back to the peloton, I attacked to try myself. In the finish, I followed Bertolini, but did just third. I was good today, but I am not a sprinter, - said Pavel Brutt

Giro d'Italia, 7^ tappa 15/05/2009

Ci si aspettava un attacco, magari in discesa, da parte di qualche corridore della Lampre-NGC nella 7^tappa del Giro d'Italia, da Innsbruck a Chiavenna, ma nessun atleta blu-fucsia è riuscito a trovare l'allungo giusto.
Chi invece ha centrato l'azione vincente è stato Boasson Hagen, norvegese abile a evadere dal gruppo nella discesa del Passo Maloja assieme ad altri 4 atleti, poi regolati in volata.
Il gruppo è transitato sul traguardo con un ritardo di 40" dal vincitore, con Gavazzi 12°. Nessun cambiamento in classifica generale, con Di Luca in rosa, Bruseghin 19° a 3'16" e Cunego 21° a 3'29".
"La nostra volontà era quella di stare coperti fino alla vetta del Maloja e poi provare in discesa a unirsi agli eventuali attacchi - ha spiegato il ds Copeland - Purtroppo non siamo riusciti a entrare nell'azione vincente: l'arrivo di domani a Bergamo sarà ancora di più un'occasione da cercare di concretizzare con la massima grinta".


Vigano fought until the very last second for the victory after breaking apart with 10 kms from the finish. The Italian could not stand the force by Boasson Hagen (Columbia) and finished in 4th

It was never so close for FUJI-SERVETTO to open their victory counter at the Centenary Giro d'Italia, as the Blue squad sprinter Davide Vigano was able to fight until the very last meters for the victory at the 7th stage of the 2009 Corsa Rosa, over a very long, 244-km route from Austrian city of Innsbruck to Chiavenna. Cold, rainy conditions saw the riders took risks across the long, 30-km descent proeceeding the final 3 kilometers of flat, causing the organisation taking final times at the 3-km banner to avoid major problems in the finish. Vigano took his chance at the 10-km mark, attacking along with Norwegian Edvald Boasson Hagen (Columbia), Robert Hunter (Barloworld) and Pavel Brutt (Katusha), who were able to chase Italy's Alessandro Bertolini (Diquigiovanni), who went clear at the first slopes of the final descent.

The five escapers had gap enough to take their time for the final sprint, where the tremendous force by Boasson Hagen was better than the speed by Vigano, whose efforts to chase the young rider from Norway weren't enough for his first pro victory to be caught by Hunter and Brutt. After all, the Italian rider showed his combative spirit, a matter in which he's excelled during this race as part of the 4th stage's break, when we was away from the peloton for more than 100 kilometers. The 2009 Giro experienced no changes at the GC, as Di Luca (LPR) keeps his pink jersey while Kessiakoff (FUJI-SERVETTO) is in the 23rd place before tomorrow's hilly route from Morbegno to Bergamo, the 8th fraction of the Italian grandtour for 209 kilometers.

Facci long in the front, Davis 8th
15/05/2009 | 19:24

Mauro Facci played a main role again in the Giro d`Italia. In the seventh stage he went on attack with 3 other riders from the start. The four riders gained a quick advantage of more then 8 minutes. The peloton closed the gap as the stage went on. After 200 kilometers the breakaway of Facci and his companions was over and out on the Passo Maloja.

In the descent a group of 6 riders escaped, which eventually sprinted for the stagewin. Boasson Hagen was the strongest and took the stage in front of Hunter and Brutt. Allan Davis sprinted to a 8th place, 40 seconds behind the stagewinner. There were no big changes in the overall after the 7th stage. Danilo di Luca stays in the pink jersey, Kevin Seeldraeyers is still 15th.


Dopo la strepitosa vittoria di ieri la Diquigiovanni - Androni ci riprova nella Innsbruck - Chiavenna (244 km). A provarci è il trentino Alessandro Bertolini che attacca nella pericolosa discesa finale. Guidando la bicicletta come se l'asfalto fosse asciutto, Alessandro Acquisisce un vantaggio massimo di poco superiore al minuto ma viene raggiunto da 4 inseguitori nel tratto pianeggiante. Agli 800 metri tenta di sorprendere i compagni di fuga ma Brut chiude il buco e Boasson vince la volata. Maglia rosa ancora sulle spalle di Danilo Di Luca. Il nostro venezuelano Jackson Rodriguez, intanto, continua ad essere terzo nella classifica dei giovani.

Race report from Tyler Farrar

Today appeared to be on track for another field sprint for the first 200km. The guys were fantastic, riding the front all day to control the breakaway! Unfortunately, when we hit the big descent down to the finish, the weather unleashed on us with cold, rain and fog. A few guys slipped away in the technical sections and we never saw them again.

It’s really a pity because I would have loved to repay everyone’s work with a better result. The team is riding great and they deserve to get a big win here!

Farrar’s teammate David Zabriskie commented that while the team put forth a big effort today, that sometimes it just is not in the cards. “Yeah we all did work today for a sprint as Tyler has proven to be one of the best in the world,” said Zabriskie. ” Sometimes it doesn’t work… that’s bike racing.”

Giro d'Italia: a brave Hunter very close to win in the 7th stage

team Barloworld's Robert HUNTER, second in Chiavenna Team Barloworld was very closed to the victory in today's stage 7 (Innsbruck - Chiavenna) thanks to South Africa's Robert Hunter . Team Barlworld's sprinter was beaten by Boasson Hagen (Team Columbia) in a five-man sprint, with Pavel Brutt (Katusha) in third place.

Hunter attacked during the last descent over a rain-soaked road (with around 15 to go) together with Hagen, Bertolini, Viganò and Brutt. They immediately took a comfortable margin over the bunch. At the last 150 metres Hagen started his sprint and Team Barloworld's Robert Hunter was the only one to struggle with the Norwegian rider. Robert put all himself in the action but his effort was in vain as he had to settle with second place.

"Today I knew I could have a go at a win and I tried my luck. I took the opportunity during the descent. Of course I'm a bit disappointed since I was fighting for the win but I'm happy with my condition", Hunter said.

"I never give up and I will try to achieved the victory we deserve within the end of the Giro, for sure".

The Giro d'Italia continues with tomorrow eighth stage: Morbegno - Bergamo. The 209km course features two mountains to be climbed: Culmine di San Pietro after 55km and Colle del Gallo (2nd cathegorized mountain) with 30km to go. Team Barloworld will be again in the action!

Giro Stage 7: Innsbruck to Chiavenna

15-May-2009: It was rainy and cold today for Stage 7 but the guys survived and got Carlos safely to the finish line. The top result for Cervélo TestTeam today was Simon Gerrans in 44th position. Edvald Boasson Hagen (Team Columbia - Highroad) won the stage, Robert Hunter (Barloworld) finished second and Pavel Brutt (Team Katusha) placed third.

"It was tricky all day. The four rider breakaway took a maximum of nine minutes and five seconds," said Jean-Paul van Poppel. "Nobody rode dangerously so there was nothing to worry about. We were only worried about the last downhill (see Carlos blog). The Passo Maloja is super tricky - and very technical and then it started raining as soon as we came in closer from the St. Moritz direction. You know, just a little bit has to happen and you lose the whole GC. A lot of riders were dropped but Carlos was fast today and he stayed with the first group in the downhill with no problem. He did a good job and so did the team. One day further and we wait for the next stage. Maybe tomorrow, it is not super dangerous for a technical pass or any other stuff that can happen. So more rest now for the upcoming two days."

ordine d'arrivo settima tappa:

1 Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Team Columbia - Highroad 5.56.53 (40.685km/h)
2 Robert Hunter (RSA) Barloworld
3 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Team Katusha
4 Davide Viganò (Ita) Fuji-Servetto
5 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
6 Andriy Grivko (Ukr) ISD 0.31
7 Matthew Goss (Aus) Team Saxo Bank 0.40
8 Allan Davis (Aus) Quick Step
9 Robert Forster (Ger) Team Milram
10 Ben Swift (GBr) Team Katusha
11 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Team Columbia - Highroad
12 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
13 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream
14 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
15 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
16 Alexander Serov (Rus) Team Katusha
17 Eduard Vorganov (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia
18 Saïd Haddou (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom
19 Manuele Mori (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
20 Thomas Rohregger (Aut) Team Milram
21 Paolo Tiralongo (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
22 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Astana
23 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD
24 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Team Saxo Bank
25 Thomas Lövkvist (Swe) Team Columbia - Highroad
26 Michael Rogers (Aus) Team Columbia - Highroad
27 Pieter Jacobs (Bel) Silence-Lotto
28 Serafin Martinez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia
29 Christopher Horner (USA) Astana
30 Dries Devenyns (Bel) Quick Step
31 Davide Malacarne (Ita) Quick Step
32 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
33 Nikita Eskov (Rus) Team Katusha
34 Daniele Pietropolli (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
35 Paolo Longo Borghini (Ita) Barloworld
36 Pablo Lastras (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne
37 Andrea Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
38 Gustavo Cesar Veloso (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia
39 Arnold Jeannesson (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne
40 Thomas Fothen (Ger) Team Milram
41 Francesco Reda (Ita) Quick Step
42 Bart Dockx (Bel) Silence-Lotto
43 Mark Renshaw (Aus) Team Columbia - Highroad
44 Simon Gerrans (Aus) Cervelo Test Team
45 Bram De Groot (Ned) Rabobank
46 Gorazd Stangelj (Slo) Liquigas
47 Christophe Brandt (Bel) Silence-Lotto
48 Philippe Gilbert (Bel) Silence-Lotto
49 Mauro Da Dalto (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
50 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
51 Francis De Greef (Bel) Silence-Lotto
52 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R La Mondiale 0.58
53 Evgeny Sokolov (Rus) BBox Bouygues Telecom 0.40
54 Marco Marzano (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
55 Manuel Quinziato (Ita) Liquigas
56 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas
57 Alexander Efimkin (Rus) AG2R La Mondiale
58 Blaise Sonnery (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
59 Ian Stannard (GBr) ISD
60 Ivan Basso (Ita) Liquigas
61 Delio Ferandez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia
62 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
63 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) ISD
64 Kjell Carlström (Fin) Liquigas
65 Matteo Bono (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
66 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C.
67 Julian Dean (NZl) Garmin - Slipstream
68 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Astana
69 Massimo Codol (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
70 Tadej Valjavec (Slo) AG2R La Mondiale
71 David Arroyo (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne
72 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
73 Joaquin Rodriguez (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne
74 Alessandro Vanotti (Ita) Liquigas
75 Mauricio Soler (Col) Barloworld
76 Lars Ytting Bak (Den) Team Saxo Bank
77 Kevin Hulsmans (Bel) Quick Step
78 Michael Barry (Can) Team Columbia - Highroad
79 Andrey Zeits (Kaz) Astana
80 José Luis Rubiera (Spa) Astana
81 Pedro Horrillo (Spa) Rabobank
82 Dmytro Grabovskyy (Ukr) ISD
83 Daniel Navarro (Spa) Astana
84 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Astana
85 Evgeny Petrov (Rus) Team Katusha
86 Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Rabobank
87 Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr) Team Columbia - Highroad
88 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step
89 Carlos José Ochoa (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
90 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Team Katusha
91 Philip Deignan (Irl) Cervelo Test Team
92 Luca Barla (Ita) Team Milram
93 Luca Mazzanti (Ita) Team Katusha
94 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank
95 Tom Stamsnijder (Ned) Rabobank
96 Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Cervelo Test Team
97 Ted King (USA) Cervelo Test Team
98 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Cervelo Test Team
99 Jos Van Emden (Ned) Rabobank
100 Daniel Lloyd (GBr) Cervelo Test Team
101 Marcos Garcia (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia
102 Alessandro Donati (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 0.58
103 Félix Cardenas (Col) Barloworld 0.40
104 Francesco Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
105 Maarten Tjallingii (Ned) Rabobank
106 Bradley Wiggins (GBr) Garmin - Slipstream
107 Gabriele Bosisio (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
108 Gonzalo Rabunal (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 0.58
109 Iban Mayoz (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 0.40
110 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
111 Leonardo Bertagnolli (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
112 Morris Possoni (Ita) Team Columbia - Highroad
113 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
114 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
115 Dario David Cioni (Ita) ISD
116 Jackson Rodriguez (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
117 Dmitry Kozontchuk (Rus) Rabobank 0.58
118 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 0.40
119 Mathieu Perget (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne
120 Christopher Froome (GBr) Barloworld
121 Jurgen Van Goolen (Bel) Team Saxo Bank 0.58
122 Mauricio Ardila (Col) Rabobank 0.40
123 Fredrik Kessiakoff (Swe) Fuji-Servetto
124 Thomas Danielson (USA) Garmin - Slipstream
125 Kasper Klostergaard (Den) Team Saxo Bank
126 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team Saxo Bank
127 Iker Camano (Spa) Fuji-Servetto
128 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Team Katusha 0.58
129 Renaud Dion (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
130 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 0.40
131 Markus Fothen (Ger) Team Milram 0.58
132 Ricardo Serrano (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 0.40
133 Jure Golcer (Slo) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
134 Matthieu Sprick (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 0.58
135 John-Lee Augustyn (RSA) Barloworld
136 Vladimir Miholjevic (Cro) Liquigas 0.40
137 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team Saxo Bank
138 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) ISD 0.58
139 Giairo Ermeti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 0.40
140 Yohann Gene (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 0.58
141 Sylvester Szmyd (Pol) Liquigas
142 Lance Armstrong (USA) Astana
143 Francesco Failli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
144 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana
145 Steve Chainel (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom
146 Dario Andriotto (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
147 Johann Tschopp (Swi) BBox Bouygues Telecom
148 David Millar (GBr) Garmin - Slipstream 0.40
149 Francesco De Bonis (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 1.23
150 Ruggero Marzoli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
151 Dario Cataldo (Ita) Quick Step
152 Matteo Montaguti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
153 Marco Pinotti (Ita) Team Columbia - Highroad 5.50
154 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Team Katusha
155 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step
156 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo
157 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto
158 Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Liquigas
159 Vladimir Isaichev (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia
160 Alessandro Spezialetti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
161 Serge Pauwels (Bel) Cervelo Test Team 5.29
162 Martin Müller (Ger) Team Milram 5.50
163 Björn Schröder (Ger) Team Milram
164 David Lopez Garcia (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne
165 Ronny Scholz (Ger) Team Milram
166 Guillaume le Floch (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom
167 Alberto Fernandez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto
168 Angel Gomez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto
169 Jonas Ljungblad (Swe) Silence-Lotto
170 Jean-Charles Senac (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale
171 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom
172 Jelle Vanendert (Bel) Silence-Lotto
173 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne
174 Vasili Kiryienka (Blr) Caisse d'Epargne
175 Anders Lund (Den) Team Saxo Bank
176 Charles Wegelius (GBr) Silence-Lotto
177 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 6.09
178 Addy Engels (Ned) Quick Step 5.50
179 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Silence-Lotto
180 Diego Caccia (Ita) Barloworld
181 Jason McCartney (USA) Team Saxo Bank
182 Ruslan Pidgornyy (Ukr) ISD
183 Hector Gonzalez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto
184 Volodymir Gustov (Ukr) Cervelo Test Team
185 Riccardo Chiarini (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini
186 Ignatas Konovalovas (Ltu) Cervelo Test Team
187 David Zabriskie (USA) Garmin - Slipstream
188 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Barloworld
189 Giampaolo Cheula (Ita) Barloworld
190 Danny Pate (USA) Garmin - Slipstream
191 Julien Belgy (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 7.11
192 Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) ISD 8.42
193 Cameron Meyer (Aus) Garmin - Slipstream

Ritirato Jesus Del Nero (Spa) Fuji-Servetto

Classifica generale dopo 7 tappe

1 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 28.08.48
2 Thomas Lövkvist (Swe) Team Columbia - Highroad 0.05
3 Michael Rogers (Aus) Team Columbia - Highroad 0.36
4 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Astana 0.43
5 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank 0.50
6 Ivan Basso (Ita) Liquigas 1.06
7 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Cervelo Test Team 1.16
8 Christopher Horner (USA) Astana 1.17
9 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas 1.27
10 David Arroyo (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne 1.41
11 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 2.01
12 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Astana 2.30
13 Tadej Valjavec (Slo) AG2R La Mondiale 2.36
14 Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Rabobank 2.41
15 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step 2.49
16 Félix Cardenas (Col) Barloworld 2.55
17 Joaquin Rodriguez (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne 3.01
18 Thomas Rohregger (Aut) Team Milram 3.15
19 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 3.16
20 Gabriele Bosisio (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 3.21
21 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 3.29
22 Kanstantsin Siutsou (Blr) Team Columbia - Highroad 3.35
23 Fredrik Kessiakoff (Swe) Fuji-Servetto 3.51
24 Jackson Rodriguez (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 4.10
25 Lance Armstrong (USA) Astana 4.31
26 Leonardo Bertagnolli (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
27 Bradley Wiggins (GBr) Garmin - Slipstream 4.37
28 Mauricio Soler (Col) Barloworld 5.04
29 Dario David Cioni (Ita) ISD 5.09
30 Janez Brajkovic (Slo) Astana 5.12
31 Daniel Navarro (Spa) Astana 5.17
32 Francesco Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 5.18
33 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 5.23
34 John-Lee Augustyn (RSA) Barloworld
35 Christopher Froome (GBr) Barloworld 5.42
36 Evgeny Petrov (Rus) Team Katusha 5.45
37 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 6.26
38 Lars Ytting Bak (Den) Team Saxo Bank 6.30
39 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 6.41
40 Andriy Grivko (Ukr) ISD 7.47
41 Francis De Greef (Bel) Silence-Lotto 8.05
42 Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Team Columbia - Highroad 8.11
43 Eduard Vorganov (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 8.22
44 Dmytro Grabovskyy (Ukr) ISD 8.23
45 José Luis Rubiera (Spa) Astana 8.25
46 Dario Cataldo (Ita) Quick Step 8.56
47 Marco Marzano (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 10.05
48 Paolo Tiralongo (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 10.27
49 Volodymir Gustov (Ukr) Cervelo Test Team 11.08
50 Simon Gerrans (Aus) Cervelo Test Team 11.26
51 Sylvester Szmyd (Pol) Liquigas 12.29
52 Blaise Sonnery (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 12.59
53 Andrey Zeits (Kaz) Astana 13.03
54 Carlos José Ochoa (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 13.11
55 Charles Wegelius (GBr) Silence-Lotto 14.15
56 Massimo Codol (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 14.46
57 Pablo Lastras (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne 16.10
58 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) ISD 16.22
59 Mauricio Ardila (Col) Rabobank 16.28
60 Philip Deignan (Irl) Cervelo Test Team 17.33
61 Daniele Pietropolli (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 17.47
62 Rubens Bertogliati (Swi) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 18.00
63 Luca Mazzanti (Ita) Team Katusha 18.03
64 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 18.09
65 Jure Golcer (Slo) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 18.47
66 David Lopez Garcia (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne 19.58
67 Marcos Garcia (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 20.17
68 Dries Devenyns (Bel) Quick Step 20.22
69 Iker Camano (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 20.28
70 Johann Tschopp (Swi) BBox Bouygues Telecom 20.46
71 Markus Fothen (Ger) Team Milram 21.21
72 Jason McCartney (USA) Team Saxo Bank 21.38
73 Ruslan Pidgornyy (Ukr) ISD 21.44
74 Vladimir Miholjevic (Cro) Liquigas 22.01
75 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Team Katusha 22.17
76 Alexander Efimkin (Rus) AG2R La Mondiale 22.19
77 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team Saxo Bank 23.09
78 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 23.21
79 Philippe Gilbert (Bel) Silence-Lotto 23.40
80 Iban Mayoz (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 24.07
81 Maarten Tjallingii (Ned) Rabobank 24.13
82 Jelle Vanendert (Bel) Silence-Lotto 24.36
83 Christophe Brandt (Bel) Silence-Lotto 24.54
84 Manuele Mori (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 24.55
85 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 26.29
86 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 26.32
87 Angel Gomez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 27.04
88 Francesco De Bonis (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 27.05
89 Gorazd Stangelj (Slo) Liquigas 28.08
90 Marco Pinotti (Ita) Team Columbia - Highroad 28.12
91 Alessandro Spezialetti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 28.32
92 Kjell Carlström (Fin) Liquigas 28.45
93 Thomas Danielson (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 29.02
94 Nikita Eskov (Rus) Team Katusha 29.12
95 Dmitry Kozontchuk (Rus) Rabobank 31.21
96 Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Liquigas 31.36
97 Serge Pauwels (Bel) Cervelo Test Team 32.11
98 Giampaolo Cheula (Ita) Barloworld 32.28
99 Ignatas Konovalovas (Ltu) Cervelo Test Team 32.30
100 Arnold Jeannesson (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne 33.05
101 Davide Malacarne (Ita) Quick Step 33.52
102 Vasili Kiryienka (Blr) Caisse d'Epargne 34.20
103 Matteo Bono (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 34.58
104 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 35.32
105 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Barloworld 36.18
106 Jurgen Van Goolen (Bel) Team Saxo Bank 36.28
107 Kevin Hulsmans (Bel) Quick Step 36.40
108 Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) ISD 36.46
109 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 37.33
110 Ruggero Marzoli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 38.23
111 Morris Possoni (Ita) Team Columbia - Highroad 39.17
112 Allan Davis (Aus) Quick Step 39.18
113 Matthew Goss (Aus) Team Saxo Bank 39.20
114 Alessandro Vanotti (Ita) Liquigas 39.57
115 Andrea Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 40.14
116 Manuel Quinziato (Ita) Liquigas 40.45
117 Thomas Fothen (Ger) Team Milram 41.09
118 Alexander Serov (Rus) Team Katusha 41.22
119 David Millar (GBr) Garmin - Slipstream 41.56
120 Ben Swift (GBr) Team Katusha 42.43
121 Pieter Jacobs (Bel) Silence-Lotto 42.55
122 Tom Stamsnijder (Ned) Rabobank 43.10
123 Hector Gonzalez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 44.22
124 Robert Hunter (RSA) Barloworld 44.38
125 Ricardo Serrano (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 44.57
126 Paolo Longo Borghini (Ita) Barloworld 45.15
127 Anthony Charteau (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne 45.28
128 Cameron Meyer (Aus) Garmin - Slipstream 45.50
129 Matthieu Sprick (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 46.36
130 Anders Lund (Den) Team Saxo Bank 46.47
131 Mauro Da Dalto (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 47.12
132 Steve Morabito (Swi) Astana
133 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD 48.55
134 Serafin Martinez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 49.02
135 Jonas Ljungblad (Swe) Silence-Lotto 49.53
136 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Team Katusha 50.37
137 Kasper Klostergaard (Den) Team Saxo Bank 51.05
138 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 51.20
139 David Zabriskie (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 52.16
140 Gonzalo Rabunal (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 52.23
141 Luca Barla (Ita) Team Milram 52.24
142 Danny Pate (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 52.29
143 Francesco Failli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 53.12
144 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R La Mondiale 53.21
145 Daniel Lloyd (GBr) Cervelo Test Team 53.23
146 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Team Columbia - Highroad 53.36
147 Renaud Dion (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 53.54
148 Ronny Scholz (Ger) Team Milram 53.58
149 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Team Katusha 54.00
150 Giairo Ermeti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 54.21
151 Matteo Montaguti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 54.51
152 Ted King (USA) Cervelo Test Team 55.48
153 Alessandro Donati (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 56.11
154 Ian Stannard (GBr) ISD 56.17
155 Mathieu Perget (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne 56.29
156 Bram De Groot (Ned) Rabobank 56.32
157 Yohann Gene (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 56.49
158 Mark Renshaw (Aus) Team Columbia - Highroad 56.55
159 Francesco Reda (Ita) Quick Step 57.13
160 Juan José Haedo (Arg) Team Saxo Bank 57.31
161 Davide Viganò (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 57.32
162 Addy Engels (Ned) Quick Step 57.45
163 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team Saxo Bank 58.02
164 Julian Dean (NZl) Garmin - Slipstream 58.10
165 Steve Chainel (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 58.14
166 Pedro Horrillo (Spa) Rabobank 58.58
167 Jos Van Emden (Ned) Rabobank 59.06
168 Guillaume le Floch (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 59.09
169 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step 59.26
170 Delio Ferandez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 59.30
171 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 1.00.30
172 Riccardo Chiarini (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 1.00.47
173 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 1.00.52
174 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) ISD 1.00.57
175 Julien Belgy (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 1.01.01
176 Diego Caccia (Ita) Barloworld
177 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Team Katusha 1.01.49
178 Björn Schröder (Ger) Team Milram 1.02.05
179 Alberto Fernandez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 1.03.05
180 Jeremy Hunt (GBr) Cervelo Test Team 1.03.21
181 Martin Müller (Ger) Team Milram 1.03.53
182 Gustavo Cesar Veloso (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 1.03.55
183 Robert Forster (Ger) Team Milram 1.04.12
184 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 1.04.43
185 Vladimir Isaichev (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 1.04.45
186 Saïd Haddou (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 1.05.20
187 Michael Barry (Can) Team Columbia - Highroad 1.05.33
188 Evgeny Sokolov (Rus) BBox Bouygues Telecom 1.05.59
189 Dario Andriotto (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 1.07.13
190 Olivier Kaisen (Bel) Silence-Lotto 1.07.14
191 Jean-Charles Senac (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 1.08.21
192 Bart Dockx (Bel) Silence-Lotto 1.09.41
193 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 1.12.37

Classifica a punti:

1 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 56 pts
2 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 54
3 Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Team Columbia - Highroad 45
4 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 41
5 Allan Davis (Aus) Quick Step 38
6 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank 35
7 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 32
8 Davide Viganò (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 30
9 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Team Columbia - Highroad 29
10 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 28
11 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 26
12 Thomas Lövkvist (Swe) Team Columbia - Highroad 25
13 Michael Rogers (Aus) Team Columbia - Highroad 23
14 Robert Hunter (RSA) Barloworld 23
15 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Astana 22
16 Ivan Basso (Ita) Liquigas 22
17 Ben Swift (GBr) Team Katusha 22
18 Matthew Goss (Aus) Team Saxo Bank 21
19 Philippe Gilbert (Bel) Silence-Lotto 20
20 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas 19
21 Christopher Horner (USA) Astana 18
22 Mauricio Soler (Col) Barloworld 18
23 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD 16
24 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Team Katusha 16
25 David Arroyo (Spa) Caisse d'Epargne 14
26 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 14
27 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 14
28 Dario Cataldo (Ita) Quick Step 14
29 Enrico Gasparotto (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 14
30 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Team Katusha 14
31 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 12
32 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step 10
33 Andriy Grivko (Ukr) ISD 10
34 Carlos Sastre (Spa) Cervelo Test Team 9
35 Tadej Valjavec (Slo) AG2R La Mondiale 9
36 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 8
37 Vasili Kiryienka (Blr) Caisse d'Epargne 8
38 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 8
39 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) ISD 8
40 Jackson Rodriguez (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 8
41 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team Saxo Bank 7
42 Manuele Mori (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 7
43 Anders Lund (Den) Team Saxo Bank 7
44 Robert Forster (Ger) Team Milram 7
45 Fredrik Kessiakoff (Swe) Fuji-Servetto 6
46 Daniele Pietropolli (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 6
47 Dries Devenyns (Bel) Quick Step 6
48 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Barloworld 6
49 Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) ISD 6
50 Kasper Klostergaard (Den) Team Saxo Bank 6
51 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Team Katusha 6
52 Yaroslav Popovych (Ukr) Astana 5
53 Laurens Ten Dam (Ned) Rabobank 5
54 Thomas Fothen (Ger) Team Milram 5
55 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 4
56 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 4
57 Paolo Longo Borghini (Ita) Barloworld 4
58 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R La Mondiale 4
59 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Team Katusha 4
60 Thomas Rohregger (Aut) Team Milram 3
61 Eduard Vorganov (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 3
62 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) ISD 3
63 Francesco De Bonis (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 3
64 Björn Schröder (Ger) Team Milram 3
65 Vladimir Isaichev (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 3
66 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 2
67 Serafin Martinez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 2
68 Steve Chainel (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 2
69 Sébastien Hinault (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 2
70 Marzio Bruseghin (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 1
71 Francesco Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 1
72 Mauricio Ardila (Col) Rabobank 1
73 Matteo Montaguti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 1
74 Ian Stannard (GBr) ISD 1
75 Riccardo Chiarini (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 1
76 Michael Barry (Can) Team Columbia - Highroad 1

Classifica della montagna:
1 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 25 pts
2 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank 15
3 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 13
4 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 10
5 Vasili Kiryienka (Blr) Caisse d'Epargne 8
6 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas 7
7 Thomas Lövkvist (Swe) Team Columbia - Highroad 6
8 Carlos José Ochoa (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 5
9 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Barloworld 5
10 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 5
11 Ivan Basso (Ita) Liquigas 4
12 Mauricio Soler (Col) Barloworld 4
13 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 3
14 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step 3
15 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 3
16 Francesco De Bonis (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 3
17 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 3
18 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Astana 2
19 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 2
20 Manuel Quinziato (Ita) Liquigas 2
21 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD 2
22 Björn Schröder (Ger) Team Milram 2
23 Andriy Grivko (Ukr) ISD 1
24 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team Saxo Bank 1
25 Kasper Klostergaard (Den) Team Saxo Bank 1
26 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R La Mondiale 1

miglior giovane

1 Thomas Lövkvist
(Swe) Team Columbia - Highroad 28.08.53
2 Kevin Seeldrayers (Bel) Quick Step 2.44
3 Jackson Rodriguez (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 4.05
4 Francesco Masciarelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 5.13
5 John-Lee Augustyn (RSA) Barloworld 5.18
6 Christopher Froome (GBr) Barloworld 5.37
7 Francis De Greef (Bel) Silence-Lotto 8.00
8 Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Team Columbia - Highroad 8.06
9 Dmytro Grabovskyy (Ukr) ISD 8.18
10 Dario Cataldo (Ita) Quick Step 8.51
11 Blaise Sonnery (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 12.54
12 Andrey Zeits (Kaz) Astana 12.58
13 Marcos Garcia (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 20.12
14 Jelle Vanendert (Bel) Silence-Lotto 24.31
15 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 26.24
16 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 26.27
17 Dmitry Kozontchuk (Rus) Rabobank 31.16
18 Valerio Agnoli (Ita) Liquigas 31.31
19 Ignatas Konovalovas (Ltu) Cervelo Test Team 32.25
20 Arnold Jeannesson (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne 33.00
21 Davide Malacarne (Ita) Quick Step 33.47
22 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 37.28
23 Morris Possoni (Ita) Team Columbia - Highroad 39.12
24 Matthew Goss (Aus) Team Saxo Bank 39.15
25 Ben Swift (GBr) Team Katusha 42.38
26 Pieter Jacobs (Bel) Silence-Lotto 42.50
27 Tom Stamsnijder (Ned) Rabobank 43.05
28 Hector Gonzalez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 44.17
29 Cameron Meyer (Aus) Garmin - Slipstream 45.45
30 Anders Lund (Den) Team Saxo Bank 46.42
31 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD 48.50
32 Serafin Martinez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 48.57
33 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 51.15
34 Gonzalo Rabunal (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 52.18
35 Luca Barla (Ita) Team Milram 52.19
36 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Team Columbia - Highroad 53.31
37 Matteo Montaguti (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 54.46
38 Ian Stannard (GBr) ISD 56.12
39 Mathieu Perget (Fra) Caisse d'Epargne 56.24
40 Davide Viganò (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 57.27
41 Jos Van Emden (Ned) Rabobank 59.01
42 Guillaume le Floch (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 59.04
43 Delio Ferandez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 59.25
44 Riccardo Chiarini (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 1.00.42
45 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Team Katusha 1.01.44
46 Alberto Fernandez (Spa) Fuji-Servetto 1.03.00
47 Vladimir Isaichev (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 1.04.40
48 Evgeny Sokolov (Rus) BBox Bouygues Telecom 1.05.54
49 Jean-Charles Senac (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 1.08.16
50 Julien Loubet (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 1.12.32

Classifica traguardi volanti

1 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step 6 pts
2 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 5
3 Vasili Kiryienka (Blr) Caisse d'Epargne 5
4 Davide Viganò (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 5
5 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 5
6 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) ISD 5
7 Daniele Pietropolli (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 4
8 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Barloworld 4
9 Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) ISD 4
10 Kasper Klostergaard (Den) Team Saxo Bank 4
11 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 4
12 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Team Katusha 4
13 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Team Columbia - Highroad 3
14 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 3
15 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team Saxo Bank 3
16 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 3
17 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R La Mondiale 3
18 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Team Katusha 3
19 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 2
20 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 2
21 Francesco De Bonis (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 2
22 Robert Hunter (RSA) Barloworld 2
23 Björn Schröder (Ger) Team Milram 2
24 Vladimir Isaichev (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 2
25 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 1
26 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) ISD 1
27 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 1
28 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD 1
29 Serafin Martinez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 1

Classifica della combattività

1 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 14 pts
2 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 13
3 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 13
4 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 11
5 Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Team Columbia - Highroad 11
6 Vasili Kiryienka (Blr) Caisse d'Epargne 9
7 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Team Columbia - Highroad 8
8 Davide Viganò (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 8
9 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step 8
10 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 7
11 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Barloworld 7
12 Allan Davis (Aus) Quick Step 7
13 Robert Hunter (RSA) Barloworld 7
14 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank 6
15 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 6
16 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 5
17 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) ISD 5
18 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 5
19 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 5
20 Thomas Lövkvist (Swe) Team Columbia - Highroad 4
21 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas 4
22 Daniele Pietropolli (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 4
23 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team Saxo Bank 4
24 Francesco De Bonis (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 4
25 Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) ISD 4
26 Ben Swift (GBr) Team Katusha 4
27 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Team Katusha 4
28 Kasper Klostergaard (Den) Team Saxo Bank 4
29 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Team Katusha 4
30 Levi Leipheimer (USA) Astana 3
31 Ivan Basso (Ita) Liquigas 3
32 Mauricio Soler (Col) Barloworld 3
33 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 3
34 Dario Cataldo (Ita) Quick Step 3
35 Carlos José Ochoa (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 3
36 Filippo Pozzato (Ita) Team Katusha 3
37 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 3
38 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD 3
39 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R La Mondiale 3
40 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Team Katusha 3
41 Björn Schröder (Ger) Team Milram 3
42 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 2
43 Damiano Cunego (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 2
44 Philippe Gilbert (Bel) Silence-Lotto 2
45 Matthew Goss (Aus) Team Saxo Bank 2
46 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 2
47 Vladimir Isaichev (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 2
48 Christopher Horner (USA) Astana 1
49 Andriy Grivko (Ukr) ISD 1
50 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) ISD 1
51 Manuel Quinziato (Ita) Liquigas 1
52 Serafin Martinez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 1

Classifica Azzurri d'Italia

1 Alessandro Petacchi (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 8 pts
2 Danilo Di Luca (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 6
3 Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Team Columbia - Highroad 6
4 Denis Menchov (Rus) Rabobank 4
5 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 4
6 Mark Cavendish (GBr) Team Columbia - Highroad 2
7 Stefano Garzelli (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 2
8 Robert Hunter (RSA) Barloworld 2
9 Tyler Farrar (USA) Garmin - Slipstream 2
10 Thomas Lövkvist (Swe) Team Columbia - Highroad 1
11 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Liquigas 1
12 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 1
13 Allan Davis (Aus) Quick Step 1
14 Ben Swift (GBr) Team Katusha 1
15 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Team Katusha 1

Classifica miglior Fuga Cervelo

1 Mauro Facci (Ita) Quick Step 364 pts
2 Bartosz Huzarski (Pol) ISD 207
3 Serguei Klimov (Rus) Team Katusha 207
4 Vladimir Isaichev (Rus) Xacobeo Galicia 207
5 Michele Scarponi (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 193
6 Vasili Kiryienka (Blr) Caisse d'Epargne 177
7 Yuriy Krivtsov (Ukr) AG2R La Mondiale 157
8 Giuseppe Palumbo (Ita) Acqua & Sapone - Caffe Mokambo 157
9 Mikhail Ignatiev (Rus) Team Katusha 157
10 Björn Schröder (Ger) Team Milram 157
11 Jens Voigt (Ger) Team Saxo Bank 150
12 Francesco Bellotti (Ita) Barloworld 146
13 Francesco De Bonis (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 142
14 Guillaume Bonnafond (Fra) AG2R La Mondiale 139
15 Oscar Gatto (Ita) ISD 139
16 Kasper Klostergaard (Den) Team Saxo Bank 139
17 Leonardo Scarselli (Ita) ISD 131
18 Davide Viganò (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 114
19 Jose Serpa (Col) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 110
20 Daniele Pietropolli (Ita) LPR Brakes - Farnese Vini 110
21 Eros Capecchi (Ita) Fuji-Servetto 110
22 Carlos José Ochoa (Ven) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 107
23 Thomas Voeckler (Fra) BBox Bouygues Telecom 107
24 Giovanni Visconti (Ita) ISD 105
25 Serafin Martinez (Spa) Xacobeo Galicia 103
26 Ian Stannard (GBr) ISD 103
27 Francesco Gavazzi (Ita) Lampre - N.G.C. 95
28 Alessandro Bertolini (Ita) Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 34
29 Edvald Boasson Hagen (Nor) Team Columbia - Highroad 11
30 Pavel Brutt (Rus) Team Katusha 11

Classifica Fair play
1 LPR Brakes-Farnese Vini
2 Liquigas
3 Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli
4 AG2R La Mondiale
5 Quick Step
6 Barloworld
7 Milram
8 Lampre-NGC
9 Fuji-Servetto
10 Garmin-Slipstream
11 Katusha
12 Saxo Bank
13 Silence-Lotto
14 Xacobeo Galicia
15 Columbia-Highroad 5 pts
16 Astana 5
17 Rabobank 5
18 Acqua & Sapone-Caffè Mokambo 5
19 Cervélo TestTeam 10
20 Caisse d'Epargne 25
21 ISD 25
22 Bbox Bouygues Telecom 45

Classifica Fast Team

1 Columbia-Highroad
2 Astana 0.13
3 Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 2.46
4 Barloworld 3.08
5 Caisse d'Epargne 6.17
6 Liquigas 6.21
7 LPR Brakes-Farnese Vini 7.36
8 Lampre-NGC 8.43
9 Cervélo TestTeam 9.01
10 Rabobank 13.53
11 ISD 14.13
12 Silence-Lotto 15.09
13 Acqua & Sapone-Caffè Mokambo 18.10
14 Quick Step 19.03
15 Fuji-Servetto 25.36
16 AG2R La Mondiale 25.58
17 Saxo Bank 30.14
18 Xacobeo Galicia 37.02
19 Katusha 39.51
20 Milram 45.53
21 Garmin-Slipstream 56.57
22 Bbox Bouygues Telecom 1.14.46

Trofeo Super Team
1 Columbia-Highroad 144 pts
2 Lampre-NGC 108
3 LPR Brakes-Farnese Vini 106
4 Quick Step 82
5 Serramenti PVC Diquigiovanni-Androni Giocattoli 81
6 Astana 78
7 Katusha 69
8 Liquigas 61
9 Barloworld 58
10 Rabobank 56
11 Saxo Bank 53
12 ISD 48
13 Garmin-Slipstream 43
14 Fuji-Servetto 41
15 Acqua & Sapone-Caffè Mokambo 41
16 Milram 38
17 Silence-Lotto 34
18 AG2R La Mondiale 32
19 Cervélo TestTeam 30
20 Caisse d'Epargne 30
21 Xacobeo Galicia 17
22 Bbox Bouygues Telecom 10