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Le tappe e la altimetrie del Tour 2001



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Il ceco Konecny vince la 16ª tappa - Sevilla sempre amarillo

Tomas Konecny Murcia, 25 settembre 2001 - La tappa odierna di trasferimento, che ha portato la carovana della Vuelta da Alcoy a Murcia per un totale di 153.3 km, prevedeva una salita nella parte finale del tracciato.

La frazione si è decisa allo sprint con il ceco Konecny della Domo-Farm Frites ad imporsi sugli spagnoli Etxebarria ed Edo.

Ma la sceneggiatura della tappa era stata scritta dallo spagnolo Sastre, l'eroico protagonista della giornata che era andato in fuga sull'ultima asperità e se non fosse stato per la tremenda discesa, del finale di gara, sarebbe giunto solitario al traguardo di Murcia.

Il portacolori della Once aveva avuto via libera dal leader Sevilla; il suo ritardo in classifica infatti, di oltre 28', non impensieriva nessuno, ma nella pericolosa discesa, Sastre è stato vittima di numerose sbandate, l'ultima delle quali gli è stata fatale.

Lo spagnolo in fuga è caduto accusando una brutta botta alla schiena, rialzatosi ha dovuto constatare suo malgrado che il gruppo lo aveva ormai raggiunto e superato.

Alla fine ad approfittarne è stato il ceco della Domo, che ha rubato la scena ai protagonisti di casa, Etxebarria ed Edo lanciati verso l'ennesima affermazione di questa Vuelta, dominata dai corridori spagnoli

Ordine d'arrivo 16ª tappa:

1 Tomas Konecny (Cze) Domo-Farm Frites 3.11.33
2 David Etxebarria (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi
3 Angel Edo (Spa) Milaneza-MSS
4 Beat Zberg (Swi) Rabobank
5 Igor Pugaci (Mda) Saeco Macchine Per Caffe'
6 Oscar Sevilla (Spa) Kelme-Barclaycard
7 Giuliano Figueras (Ita) Ceramiche Panaria-Fiordo
8 Santiago Botero (Col) Kelme-Barclaycard
9 Félix Garcia Casas (Spa) Festina
10 Fernando Escartin (Spa) Team Coast
11 Levi Leipheimer (USA) US Postal Service
12 Angel Casero (Spa) Festina
13 Jose María Jimenez (Spa)
14 Klaus Möller (Den) Milaneza-MSS
15 Unai Osa (Spa)
16 Aitor Osa (Spa)
17 David Cañada (Spa) Mapei-Quick Step
18 Richard Virenque (Fra) Domo-Farm Frites
19 Peter Farazjin (Bel) Cofidis
20 David Plaza (Spa) Festina

Classifica generale dopo 16 tappe:

1 Oscar Sevilla (Spa) Kelme-Barclaycard 55.04.58
2 Angel Casero (Spa) Festina 0.25
3 Juan Miguel Mercado (Spa) 2.02
4 Roberto Heras (Spa) US Postal Service 2.20
5 David Plaza (Spa) Festina 3.31
6 Levi Leipheimer (USA) US Postal Service 3.55
7 José Luis Rubiera (Spa) US Postal Service 4.59
8 Aitor Osa (Spa) 5.47
9 Iban Mayo (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 6.59
10 Fernando Escartin (Spa) Team Coast 7.18
11 Klaus Möller (Den) Milaneza-MSS 7.27
12 Roberto Laiseka (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 7.56
13 Santiago Blanco (Spa) 9.17
14 Iñigo Cuesta (Spa) Cofidis 10.06
15 Manuel Beltran (Spa) Mapei-Quick Step 12.32
16 Jose María Jimenez (Spa) 14.00
17 Félix Garcia Casas (Spa) Festina 15.04
18 Luis Perez (Spa) Festina 15.13
19 José J. Gomez Gozalo (Spa) Kelme-Barclaycard 17.00
20 Tomas Konecny (Cze) Domo-Farm Frites 17.20
21 Santiago Botero (Col) Kelme-Barclaycard 19.37
22 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Alessio 23.06
23 Roberto Conti (Ita) Cantina Tollo Acqua & Sapone 26.37
24 David Cañada (Spa) Mapei-Quick Step 27.27
25 Unai Osa (Spa) 28.26
26 Carlos Sastre (Spa) O.N.C.E.-Eroski 31.45
27 Beat Zberg (Swi) Rabobank 32.28
28 Richard Virenque (Fra) Domo-Farm Frites 34.29
29 Alberto Martinez (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 35.12
30 Giuliano Figueras (Ita) Ceramiche Panaria-Fiordo 35.48
31 Rui Lavarinhas (Por) Milaneza-MSS 38.00
32 Mikel Zarrabeitia (Spa) O.N.C.E.-Eroski 40.24
33 Jose Luis Rebollo (Spa) Festina 40.58
34 Daniele De Paoli (Ita) Mercatone Uno-Stream TV 42.39
35 David Millar (GBr) Cofidis 42.56
36 Victoriano Fernandez (Spa) Milaneza-MSS 44.35
37 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Lampre-Daikin 45.21
38 Daniel Atienza (Spa) Cofidis 45.52
39 Oscar Laguna (Spa) Colchon Relax-Fuenlabrada 48.29
40 Eleuterio Anguita (Spa) Jazztel-Costa del Almeria 49.06
41 Massimiliano Lelli (Ita) Cofidis 49.31
42 Juan Manuel Garate (Spa) Lampre-Daikin 52.45
43 Dariusz Baranowski (Pol) 53.12
44 Dave Bruylandts (Bel) Domo-Farm Frites 53.37
45 Joao Silva (Por) Milaneza-MSS 54.51
46 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Mapei-Quick Step 54.55
47 David Etxebarria (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 56.05
48 Alberto Elli (Ita) Team Deutsche Telekom 56.29
49 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Rabobank 57.20
50 Juan Carlos Vicario (Spa) Festina 57.21

Hunter regala la seconda vittoria alla Lampre nella 17ª tappa

Robert HunterAlbacete, 26 settembre 2001 - Secondo successo di squadra per la Lampre-Daikin, con Robert Hunter che ha vinto la 17ª tappa da Murcia ad Albacete di 159,5 chilometri.

La tappa caratterizzata dal forte vento che ha creato non poche difficoltà nel gruppo, si è risolta con un arrivo di 39 uomini dopo una fuga di quattro corridori, protrattasi per circa 120 Km.

Il sudafricano Hunter ha battuto allo sprint il tedesco Hondo e l'australiano McEwen. Primo degli italiani Cristian Moreni, che dopo l'abbandono del suo capitano Pantani, ha portato in casa Mercatone Uno un settimo posto.

In classifica Sevilla mantiene il suo vantaggio pari a 25'' su Casero mentre Mercado della, rimasto attardato per il vento che ha spezzato il gruppo, ha perso la terza posizione a vantaggio di Roberto Heras.

Ordine d'arrivo 17ª tappa:
1 Robert Hunter (RSA) Lampre-Daikin 3.18.46
2 Danilo Hondo (Ger) Team Deutsche Telekom
3 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Domo-Farm Frites
4 Dmitri Fofonov (Kaz) Cofidis
5 Angel Vicioso (Spa) Kelme-Barclaycard
6 Igor Flores (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi
7 Cristian Moreni (Ita) Mercatone Uno-Stream TV
8 Eleuterio Anguita (Spa) Jazztel-Costa del Almeria
9 Gorka Gerrikagoitia (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi
10 Pedro Horrillo (Spa) Mapei-Quick Step
11 Chann McRae (USA) US Postal Service
12 Klaus Möller (Den) Milaneza-MSS
13 Jan Boven (Ned) Rabobank
14 Levi Leipheimer (USA) US Postal Service
15 Alberto Martinez (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi
16 J.Antonio Pecharroman (Spa) Jazztel-Costa del Almeria
17 José Luis Rubiera (Spa) US Postal Service
18 Aitor Osa (Spa)
19 Benoit Joachim (Lux) US Postal Service
20 Victoriano Fernandez (Spa) Milaneza-MSS

Classifica generale dopo 17 tappe:

1 Oscar Sevilla (Spa) Kelme-Barclaycard 58.23.44
2 Angel Casero (Spa) Festina 0.25
3 Roberto Heras (Spa) US Postal Service 2.20
4 Juan Miguel Mercado (Spa) 3.19
5 Levi Leipheimer (USA) US Postal Service 3.55
6 David Plaza (Spa) Festina 4.44
7 José Luis Rubiera (Spa) US Postal Service 4.59
8 Aitor Osa (Spa) 5.47
9 Iban Mayo (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 6.59
10 Fernando Escartin (Spa) Team Coast 7.18
11 Klaus Möller (Den) Milaneza-MSS 7.27
12 Roberto Laiseka (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 9.13
13 Iñigo Cuesta (Spa) Cofidis 10.06
14 Santiago Blanco (Spa) 10.34
15 Manuel Beltran (Spa) Mapei-Quick Step 13.49
16 Félix Garcia Casas (Spa) Festina 16.21
17 Luis Perez (Spa) Festina 16.50
18 José J. Gomez Gozalo (Spa) Kelme-Barclaycard 18.17
19 Tomas Konecny (Cze) Domo-Farm Frites 18.37
20 Jose María Jimenez (Spa) 19.31
21 Santiago Botero (Col) Kelme-Barclaycard 19.37
22 Franco Pellizotti (Ita) Alessio 24.23
23 Roberto Conti (Ita) Cantina Tollo Acqua & Sapone 28.14
24 David Cañada (Spa) Mapei-Quick Step 28.40
25 Unai Osa (Spa) 29.43
26 Richard Virenque (Fra) Domo-Farm Frites 34.29
27 Alberto Martinez (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 35.12
28 Giuliano Figueras (Ita) Ceramiche Panaria-Fiordo 37.05
29 Carlos Sastre (Spa) O.N.C.E.-Eroski 37.16
30 Beat Zberg (Swi) Rabobank 37.59
31 Rui Lavarinhas (Por) Milaneza-MSS 39.17
32 Mikel Zarrabeitia (Spa) O.N.C.E.-Eroski 41.41
33 Jose Luis Rebollo (Spa) Festina 42.15
34 Victoriano Fernandez (Spa) Milaneza-MSS 44.35
35 Daniele De Paoli (Ita) Mercatone Uno-Stream TV 48.10
36 David Millar (GBr) Cofidis 48.27
37 Oscar Laguna (Spa) Colchon Relax-Fuenlabrada 48.29
38 Eleuterio Anguita (Spa) Jazztel-Costa del Almeria 49.06
39 Massimiliano Lelli (Ita) Cofidis 50.48
40 Gilberto Simoni (Ita) Lampre-Daikin 50.52
41 Daniel Atienza (Spa) Cofidis 51.23
42 Juan Manuel Garate (Spa) Lampre-Daikin 52.45
43 Dave Bruylandts (Bel) Domo-Farm Frites 53.37
44 Dariusz Baranowski (Pol) 54.29
45 Dario David Cioni (Ita) Mapei-Quick Step 55.01
46 Joao Silva (Por) Milaneza-MSS 56.08
47 Alberto Elli (Ita) Team Deutsche Telekom 58.03
48 Geert Verheyen (Bel) Rabobank 58.37
49 Juan Carlos Vicario (Spa) Festina 58.38
50 Bingen Fernandez (Spa) Euskaltel-Euskadi 59.00



Following a picture-perfect execution of team tactics in today's 17th stage of the Tour of Spain, the United States Postal Service Pro Cycling Team's Roberto Heras and Levi Leipheimer both gained a position in the overall general classification, moving into third and fifth place, respectively.

While race leader Oscar Sevilla of Kelme maintained his oveall lead on Heras (2:20) and Leipheimer (3:55), the USPS duo gained 1:17 on's Juan Mercado, third entering today's stage, and 1:13 on Festina's David Plaza, fifth this morning, when the team moved to the front of the peloton in the last 40 kilometers of the 159.5 kilometer stage from Murcia to Albacete and split the peloton into several groups in the cross winds, leaving several rivals behind.

"The plan was to attack with the team at the front with 50 kilometers to go and try and split the peloton, but because it was not so windy at that moment, we had to wait," said Johan Bruyneel, the USPS team's director sportif. "We know the course well from years ago and we thought we would give it a try because of the usual cross winds. All the teams know that; it normally happens every year at the Tour of Spain on this stage. But when we came to the point where it normally starts, it was not so windy, so everybody calmed down and thought nothing would happen for the rest of the stage; they relaxed.

"Then I began to listen to the other directors on the television coverage and noticed they all believed the attack would not come," Bruyneel added. "Everybody started to live with the idea that Telekom would keep controlling the race until the finish. Even though it was not so windy, I still thought it was windy enough. Then I saw it was the ideal moment to try it with 40 kilometers remaining."

The entire USPS team massed at the front and its efforts, coupled with the wind, began to split the field.

"Once we started it again and I could see who was there and who was not there, everybody joined in, including Roberto, Levi and Chechu (Jose Luis Rubiera)," Bruyneel said.

Despite the efforts of some of the team's that missed the break, the USPS led lead group of nearly 40 riders rode clear, gaining time all the way to the line.

"While our entire team did a great job, special mention must be said for Julian Dean," Bruyneel added. "He was dead sick yesterday and almost didn't make it (to the finish). And today, he was one of our strongest guys. Plus, among the remaining riders in the lead group, he had a good chance of winning the stage. Instead, he completely sacrificed himself for the good of the team. He rode like a true professional."

The Tour of Spain continues tomorrow with a 154.2 km stage from Albacete to Cuenca. The Tour's seventh and final mountain top finish occurs Saturday prior to Sunday's final time trial in Madrid.

"I think we have a definite chance to be on the podium," Bruyneel said. "Saturday will be a hard stage but I am confident both Roberto and Levi can take some time out of Mercado there. But this was a gain of time that we didn't plan on and is definitely good for the confidence. It also keeps the team going for the next couple of days."

1. Robert Hunter, Lampre: 159.5 kms in 3:18:46
2. Danilo Hondo, Telekom; s.t.
3. Robbie McEwen, Domo-Farm Frites; s.t.
4. Dmitri Fofonov, Cofidis; s.t.
5. Angel Vicioso, Kelme-Barclaycard; s.t.
11. Chann McRae, U.S. Postal Service; s.t.
14. Levi Leipheimer. U.S. Postal Service; s.t.
17. José Luis Rubiera, U.S. Postal Service; s.t.
19. Benoit Joachim, U.S. Postal Service; s.t.
27. Roberto Heras, U.S. Postal Service; s.t.
38. Antonio Cruz, U.S. Postal Service; at :10
63. Victor Hugo Peña, U.S. Postal Service; at 1:17
88. Julian Dean, U.S. Postal Service; s.t.

1. Oscar Sevilla, Kelme-Barclaycard; 58:23:44
2. Angel Casero, Festina; at :25
3. Heras; at 2:20
4. Juan Miguel Mercado,; at 3:19
5. Leipheimer; at 3:55
7. Rubiera; at 4:59
91. Peña; at 1:47:26
92. Joachim; at 1:48:35
104. McRae; at 1:59:04
108. Cruz; at 2:04:05
118. Dean; at 2:11:59